It will be our pleasure to help you to acquire an original oil painting of Ghenadie Sontu that you and your family will treasure for many years to come. Please browse through collections: portraits, still lifes, landscapes, figurative, flowers and find more information about title, dimensions, and price of each oil painting. This art will definitely do wonders to beautify your home or office decor. Ghenadie Sontu Fine Art offers quality, selection, affordability, as well as secure online ordering. You can reach Ghenadie at the studio at: +972 543 449 543 or by e-mail for detailed information, for commissioning a painting and pricing assistance. Thank You !
Explore a collection of figurative paintings by Ghenadie Sontu, available on high-quality posters and prints in various sizes at affordable prices. Learn More
Discover inspirational Israeli fine arts and canvases by artist Ghenadie Sontu featuring realistic oil paintings portraits. Learn More
Ghenadie's artworks are now available as prints on canvas in several different sizes either framed or unframed.
Call Us: +972 543 449 543
Start exploring Israeli Fine Arts by Ghenadie Sontu to find art you love.
Ghenadie Sontu graduated from the Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts of Moldova in 2005, where he focused his studies in the “alla prima” methods and practices of traditional and contemporary realism style. Since his graduation, Ghenadie has been a full-time artist and has exhibited his works across the world. Became a colector of Ghenadie Sontu artworks. Learn More
Read about Ghenadie Sontu latest exhibitions and artworks through his newsletter. Discover more stories and get inspired through Ghenadie paintings. Find More
If you are interested in commissioning a portrait or a painting, use the contact form in the drop down menu above. An initial meeting at mutual convenience will then be arranged. For a portrait I like to book about 3 sittings and some photos can be used if it is necessary to reduce sitting times. I can travel to your location nationally and internationally.
Once the portrait is complete, a framing service can be offered if required. Please use the contact form or send an email for more information.
You will receive an email or phone call after the form is submitted.If we both agree to move forward, you will pay a non-refundable 50% deposit.
You will be emailed progress photos when the painting is 50% complete, 75% complete, and when it's done.
You will have the opportunity to tell me your thoughts and let me know if you would like me to make any changes.
Once the painting is completed, you will be expected to pay the rest of the deposit.
Once the full payment is received, the painting will be shipped to you.
I ultimately want to create a painting that you will love and cherish forever so fill out the form and let's make something beautiful together!